Dissonance Dissolved
In today's divisive climate—left against right, you against me—I find myself feeling incredibly disconnected and disenfranchised. I am exhausted from hating, tired of fighting, and seeking a new way to be.
I keep catching myself obsessing over the groups and philosophies that, in my view, create this cacophony of dissonance we are all experiencing. Initially, it seemed healthier to direct my anger at these groups and philosophies rather than at my fellow humans who are also in pain. However, I soon realized that holding such hate and disdain is not only unhealthy but also empowers the very things I despise. Clearly, I need to think deeper...
So, I’ve created a visual design process called 'Dissonance Dissolved' to address my feelings towards these negative groups and philosophies. This allows me to draft a pictorial letter expressing my anger and frustration. To avoid focusing on individuals, I use a black cloud over their faces, emphasizing the groups and philosophies. Surrounding them with images of their actions, I then place them in the lotus pose, symbolizing their potential for remorse and willingness to change. This approach humanizes them, easing my path to forgiveness and helping to defuse my unhealthy obsession, allowing me to move forward.
Here are my pictorial letters-